Bluetooth in technological terms is the transfer of data from one device to another. Now it is used to transfer blood from one nyaope smoker to the other. This is how most of the addicts get high in areas such as Soshanguve. One inject themselves with the drug and the others get high by drawing the blood from the one who is already high. Resulting in Bluetooth nyaope.
The community of Soshanguve are raising great concerns of this new method of nyaope. This method increasing chances of contracting diseases like HIV/AIDS. Clinics and Police are urging parents to help them fight bluetooth nyaope in the streets of Soshanguve.
photocred:Pretoria news
Trevor Masemula who is a nyaope-user showed us how they do bluetooth nyaope in Soshanguve block H, though he didn't want his face to be showed.He says its much easier when you do it with a friend than just anyone.
- New drug in SoshanguveIncreases blood contraction diseases
- It's not good for one's health
- It is highly addictive
- It is deadly