Thursday, 26 April 2018

Global employee engagement on the rebound (Supplied Content)

Employee engagement plays a major role in organisations around the globe; it has an impact on its reputation, growth, sustainability and success. Global employee engagement has been inconsistent over the past years. However, according to Aon’s latest 2018 Trends in Global Employee Engagement Report, employee engagement on the African continent climbed from 61% of the employees to 66%. “It’s a remarkable jump when you consider the trends over the past five years. Only (51%) of all employees were engaged in 2012, whereas now nearly two-thirds of employees are engaged. It is by far a biggest increase in the five regions in this study” Says Gavin Griffin, of Aon Employee Benefits in South Africa.
Aon’s analysis of more than five million employees at more than 1,000 organisations around the world found that global employee engagement levels rebounded back to 65 percent in 2017, up from 63 percent in 2016. The percentage of employees who were highly engaged increased from 24 percent in 2016 to 27 percent in 2017.
Organisations need to be wary when it comes to their leadership teams which may lack ambition or who do not have the organisation’s interests at heart such as not being involved on the day today activities of their employees; Having employees who are not passionate about the work there are doing for the organisation  may affect the employee performance and the organisation’s efficiency. Shutting down the input of the junior staff based on who has more experience in the field can also affect employee engagement. It is therefore of great importance that organisations set a platform for every employee whether in a junior position or executive position to take part in the company day to day running in this way different opinions are being valued and employees engage with each other and come up with the best possible decision that best benefits the organisation. Thus ensuring that global employee engagement increases or gets stabilised.

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